Border Agents Bust 13 Illegal Immigrants in Marine Uniforms

fox news
By Allan Lengel

The game keeps changing.

In a new twist, Border Patrol agents busted 13 illegal immigrants in California who were wearing U.S. Marines uniforms and driving in a fake military van, FOX News reported.

The station reported that the illegal immigrants were nabbed at the Campo Border Patrol Westbound I-8 checkpoint at 11 p.m. on March 14 near Pine Valley, Calif., authorities said.

The station reported that authorities discovered that the driver and passenger were Americans trying to smuggle the people in the U.S.

“This effort is an example of the lengths smugglers will go to avoid detection, and the skilled and effective police work and vigilance displayed everyday by Customs and Border Protection personnel,” the agency said in a written statement, according to FOX.

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