Border Patrol Finds Drug Smuggler in Scuba Gear Near Long Tunnel to Mexico

Photo via Border Patrol.
Photo via Border Patrol.

By Steve Neavling

When Border Patrol agents found a man in scuba gear, they knew something odd was afoot.

Turns out, the man was smuggling drugs through a tunnel that was partially underwater at the end of the All-American Canal, about 7 miles east of Calexico, Calif., The Associated Press reports.

Near the man was a breathing tank and several vacuum-sealed packages containing 55 pounds of cocaine.

The April 25 discovery unearthed a 150-foot-long tunnel that stretched from the canal to a house in Mexicali, Mexico.

“Drug smugglers will try anything to move their product — even scuba diving in an underwater tunnel,” U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy said in a statement. “The ingenuity of the smugglers is matched only by our determination to thwart it.”

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