Breaking News: N.Y. FBI Agent Charged With Sharing Confidential Info

new-york-mapFor the second time in about four months, a New York FBI agent has been charged criminally. In December, FBI agent Mark Rossini was charged with illegally accessing FBI data bases for personal use.

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK — An FBI agent assigned to the New York office has been arrested on charges he shared confidential information with an informant.

William H. Shirk III is charged in a criminal complaint filed Wednesday in Manhattan federal court.

The complaint alleges the 37-year-old Shirk warned the informant he was being investigated for drug trafficking. The information was from a confidential FBI database.

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One thought on “Breaking News: N.Y. FBI Agent Charged With Sharing Confidential Info

  1. After 4 years of fighting OIG and then FBI OPR, particularly, Reed Haney from OIG and Candice Will from FBI OPR, this agent cleared his name. The charges were a figment of Haney’s imagination and Will went along with it. They kept this guy out of work for almost two years total while he fought these bogus charges. he is back at work in NY!!!

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