Brotherly Love? Ex-Gov. Blago Doesn’t Call Brother Hours After Charges Dropped

Ex-Gov on NBC's Celebrity Apprentice
Ex-Gov on NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice

By Allan Lengel

Perhaps one of the more interesting asterisks surrounding the decision Thursday by prosecutors to drop charges against Robert Blagojevich was that his brother Rod, the very chatty, seldom-at-a-loss for words ex-governor, had not called to congratulate him hours after the announcement, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

“When it comes to my brother, I’ve grown accustomed to being an afterthought. So, it’s not a big deal for me,” Robert Blagojevich told the Sun-Times.

The case was dropped against Robert Blagojevich, who had been indicted on four corruption counts. The jury in the first trial deadlocked on all counts. Prosecutors still plan to retry brother Rod, who was convicted on only 1 of 24 counts.

The paper reported that reporters caught Rod Blagojevich on Thursday as he was leaving to go jogging and asked his reaction to the charges being dropped against his brother.

It “was long overdue,” Rod Blagojevich said, according to the Sun-Times.

“What happened to my brother should have never happened, and I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am for my brother and for his family that this nightmare for them is finally over,” he said.

The paper reported that after talking to reporters, Rod Blagojevich called his brother and left a message.

“I still love my brother,” Robert Blagojevich said, according to the Sun-Times. “I know he still loves me. I wish him well and want nothing but the best for him and his family.”


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