WASHINGTON — To Nicholas Marino: Nice try.
On Thursday, the 24-year-old Washingtonian was sentenced here to two years probation, 240 hours of a community service and fined $500 for using fake diplomatic license tags.
Authorities say U.S. Secret Service police stopped him for speeding in his Mitsubishi SUV last Nov. 20 on 15th Street Northwest in Washington.
Marino told the officer he had diplomatic immunity because he was a diplomat at the Italian embassy. Officers checked and found that he was not a diplomat and that the “diplomatic tags” were not registered to the car and were not the property of the Italian embassy, authorities said.
Four Days later, Marino told investigators that he purhcased the fake diplomatic tags from a store kiosk in Kennesaw, Ga., which makes novelty plates.
Additionally, he found a picture of a Department of State seal on the Internet and affixed a copy on the back of his driver’s license, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.
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