California Pot Initiative (Proposition 19) Goes to Pot

By Allan Lengel

The California initiative to legalize marijuana — a law that would have complicated enforcement for federal agents — went down in defeat on Tuesday.

The Los Angeles Times reports that Proposition 19, which would have allowed pot to be sold for recreational use, failed to get the support of the state’s moderate voters.

The measure had strong support from young voters, but failed to win over voters in the very populous Los Angeles County, the Times reported.

Last month, Attorney Gen. Eric Holder Jr. vowed to “vigorously enforce” federal marijuana laws even if Californians approved Prop 19.

Holder’s comments were contained in a letter to ex-federal drug enforcement chiefs.

“We will vigorously enforce the CSA against those individuals and organizations that possess, manufacture or distribute marijuana for recreational use, even if such activities are permitted under state law,” Holder wrote in the letter.

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