Justice Department: One in Four Women in Jail Have Serious Mental Health Issues

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A Justice Department study has found that one in four women in jail have serious mental illnesses. The Justice Department announced the findings Wednesday in what is certain to spark more debates about access to mental health care in prison. The study also found that half of incarcerated women had received treatment for…

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FBI Has Highly Trained Team to Examine Digital Evidence on Computers, Cell Phones and Cameras

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com In today’s world, digital evidence on computers, cameras and cell phones can make or break a case. During the fiscal year 2012, the FBI’s Computer Analysis Response Team of nearly 500 trained and certified special agents and others examined more than 10,000 devices, the FBI reports. How much data was recovered? According…

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Bomb Technician: Accused Aurora Theater Shooter Set up Dangerous Explosive Device at Apartment

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Accused Aurora theater shooter James Holmes rigged his Colorado apartment with a frying pan, thermos, remote-control car and dangerous chemicals in hopes that it would blow up when law enforcement arrived, NBC News reports. The revelation was made Tuesday during the murder the trial for Holmes, a grad-school dropout. According to a…

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