NCAA Contacts FBI About Point Shaving Allegations at Auburn University

Allan Lengel The NCAA and Auburn University have contacted the FBI about point-shaving allegations involving the school’s men’s basketball program, CNN reported. “We are very concerned by the point-shaving allegations involving Auburn University men’s basketball program and have been in contact with the school and the FBI since the issue arose in February,” the…

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FBI Kept File on Christopher Hitchens

By Allan Lengel The FBI kept a file on the  late outspoken writer Christopher Hitchens, the website Historiographic Anarchy reports. The website reported that the FBI released through the Freedom of Information Act, 19 pages on Hitchens, some which show he was the subject of an FBI Foreign Counterintelligence probe. He died in December…

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FBI Appoints New Chief of Intelligence Division

By Jon Perkins WASHINGTON — Eric Velez-Villar,  deputy assistant director of the Directorate of Intelligence Operations Branch at FBI Headquarters, is getting a bump up to assistant director of that division, the FBI announced this week. In testimony last month before the House Homeland Security Committee subcommittee on  counterterrorism intelligence, Velez-Villar pledged the FBI’s cooperation with state…

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Ex-Secret Service Agent Trashes Hillary Clinton in Book; Calls Her Aloof

By Allan Lengel A tell-all book by an ex-Secret Service agent who worked the President Clinton detail is bound to ruffle some feathers inside the Beltway. The  Examiner newspaper reports that ex-Secret Service agent Dan Emmett has written a self-published book “Within Arms’s Length” that “savages the Clinton White House staff as arrogant and…

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FBI Director Mueller Says Special Interrogation Group Used More Than a Dozen Times in Past 2 Years

By CNN WASHINGTON — A special group set up to interrogate captured terror suspects has been mobilized more than a dozen times in the past two years, FBI Director Robert Mueller said Wednesday. “It’s been effective,” Mueller told a House appropriations subcommittee when asked about the use of the so-called High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, known…

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