FBI: Cop Tipped Off Drug Dealers

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com The FBI is alleging that  a Georgia cop tipped off drug dealers about an upcoming raid by the bureau, charges that the cop says are untrue, reports the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Gabriel Hoskins III, the police officer, plead not guilty to the charges on Thursday, but was placed on supervised release…

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7 lbs. of Meth Seized in Colo. Ski Town

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com The mountains aren’t the only way to get high in Colorado Springs, Colo., apparently. Investigators seized seven pounds of meth and made four arrests in the ski resort town, reports KRDO. Vincente Martinez,40,  Jovel Cristian, 27, Martin Martinez, 21, and  Rafael Amezcua, 27,  all from Los Angeles, were arrested at a…

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FBI: $10 Million Payed Back to Victims

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com The victims of one of New York’s largest public corruption schemes can breathe a sigh of relief today. The US Attorney in Rochester, New York, announced on Wednesday that more than $10 million in forfeited property has been returned to the victims of property tax appraisal and assessment schemes orchestrated by…

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FBI Makes Insider Trading Arrests

By BEN PROTESS and PETER LATTMAN New York Times Federal authorities announced insider trading charges against seven people on Wednesday, accusing them of earning nearly $62 million illegally trading on shares of Dell. The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested four people across the country as part of the case, an escalation of the government’s aggressive…

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