Why Aren’t the Bankers in Trouble?

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com In the wake of the financial sector’s meltdown, many were on the hunt for the blood of bankers. But convictions for wrongdoing on Wall Street have been remarkably scarce in the aftermath of the industry’s collapse–no small part of why Occupy Wall Street protestors have gathered in lower Manhattan. A Wall…

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Column: Ex-FBI Agent Coleen Rowley: Americans’ Rights at Risk

  By Coleen Rowley, former FBI Agent ConsortiumNews.com The political, military industrial, corporate class in Washington DC continues to re-make our Constitutional Republic into a powerful, unaccountable Military Empire. The U.S. Senate has just voted 93 to 7 to pass the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012, which allows the military to operate…

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