Suspected White House Shooter Thought Obama Was the Antichrist

By Allan Lengel It may not have been the brightest of assassination plots considering President Obama wasn’t even in town when Oscar Ramiro Oretego-Hernandez allegedly fired at the White House. Nonetheless, authorities believe the intent to kill Obama was there. He’s been charged with attempting to assassinate the president. CBS News reports that a…

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20 Charged in Chicago-Mexico Drug Network, Ties to Zetas Drug Cartel

By Danny Fenster The tentacles of the Mexican cartels can be found throughout the U.S. The latest: 20 defendants — five of them suspected members of a Chicago cell of the violent Zetas Mexican drug cartel — were charged in major drug indictment in Chicago following a joint FBI-DEA investigation, Chicago’s US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s…

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Column: Cutting FBI Agents’ Benefits Won’t solve the country’s fiscal crisis

Konrad Motyka is president of the FBI Agents Association By Konrad Motyka The Hill Among the federal employees closely watching the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (the “Super-Committee”) negotiations are FBI Agents and other federal law enforcement officers. They are becoming increasingly alarmed by calls from some of our political leaders for drastic changes…

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FBI Questions W. Va Treasurer’s Employees in Widening Probe

By Danny Fenster   FBI Agents spread out across West Virginia on Tuesday night to question employees of the state Treasurer John Perdue about $1,000 campaign contributions made to his unsuccessful Democratic gubernatorial primary campaign last spring, reports the Charleston Gazette. “A number of individuals are being interviewed this evening,” U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin…

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