Fed Jury Convicts Cop in Fatal Beating of Man Whose Last Words Were “All I wanted was a Snickers”

 By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com Call it one of the low points in policing in Spokane, Wash. A federal jury on Wednesday  convicted a Spokane, Wash., police officer  on civil rights and obstruction charges in the beating death of an unarmed man, the Justice Department announced. Officer Karl F. Thompson Jr., 64, was convicted on charges…

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4 Congressional Members Send Letter to FBI’s Mueller and Hillary Clinton Asking Palestinians to be Put on Terrorist List

  By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The U.S. terrorist data base watch could get quite a few new names if it’s up to four Jewish Congress members. The Jewish Telegraph Agency reports that the four Congress members wrote to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton asking that they place…

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