FBI Investigating Hacker Attack on Celebrities; Nude Photos of Scarlett Johansson Stolen

 By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com A scandal in Hollywood is brewing — and this time it doesn’t involve some affair, but rather a hacker. The Associated Press and Fox News reported that the FBI is investigating a series of computer hacking attacks on celebrities including Scarlett Johansson. Personal information and other materials were stolen. FBI spokeswoman…

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Las Vegas Man Fuming He Didn’t Get Any of FBI’s $2 Mil Reward for Capture of Boston Mobster Whitey Bulger

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com A Las Vegas man is fuming over the fact the FBI has written a $2 million reward check to an Iceland woman who reportedly tipped off authorities about the whereabouts of fugitive mobster James “Whitey” Bulger in June. The Boston Herald reported that Keith Messina, 45, the manager of a Subway…

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Those Whacky Salahis — the Party Crashers Who Were Targets of Criminal Probe — Grab Headlines Again

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com That whacky couple — Tareq and Michaele Salahi — who crashed the White House party in November 2009 and ended up being the target of a long drawn out and fruitless criminal investigation, were grabbing some rather weird headlines in the Washington media on Wednesday. The media reported earlier in the…

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