Ex-FBI Agent and Author John Wills Wins Prize for Fiction Novel Category in Las Vegas

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Ex-FBI agent John Wills, who recently published his third suspense novel, “Targeted”,  won First Place in the fiction novel category at the 2011 Writing Competition held by the the Public Safety Writers Association in Las Vegas earlier this month. Wills, whose book  “Targeted” was part of his “Chicago Warriors Thriller” series,…

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Demjanjuk Attorney’s Accuse Justice Dept of Fraud for Withholding Key FBI Document

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The decades-long legal case against accused Nazi John Demjanjuk won’t go away. The Cleveland Jewish News is reporting that his defense attorneys on Tuesday filed a motion accusing the Justice Department of withholding evidence and fraud. At the key of accusations is a 1985 FBI memo questioning the authenticity of a…

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