Prosecutor to Blago: “You Are a Convicted Liar, Correct?”

By Allan Lengel Loaded for bear, federal prosecutors began their cross examination Thursday of the ever-chatty ex-Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich with a very blunt question. “Mr. Blagojevich, you are a convicted liar, correct?” Assistant U.S. Attorney Reid Schar asked, according to the Chicago Tribune. “Yes,” answered Blagojevich, according to the Trib. His lawyers tried…

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Tough Az. Sheriff Joe Bows to Justice Department

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON – Score: Justice Department 1, Maricopa County, Az.,  Sheriff Joe Arpaio 0. Sheriff Joe and his department, after much resistance, entered into a legal settlement Thursday to fully cooperate with the Justice Department, which is investigating allegations of civil rights violations involving patrols and jail operations. In announcing the settlement,…

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Judge Orders Feds to Turn Over FBI Recorder and Failed Battery in Portland Terrorism Case

By Allan Lengel A federal judge on Wednesday ordered Portland prosecutors in the 2010 attempted bombing of a Christmas tree lighting ceremony to hand over a  faulty FBI battery and recording device used in the case, The Oregonian newspaper reported. The prosecution said it already had turned over 6,000 pages of documents. The defense…

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Ky. FBI Agent Who Headed Up Major Corruption Case Dies of Heart Attack While Jogging

By Allan Lengel A 46-year-old FBI agent, who headed a major corruption probe in Clay County, Ky., died Tuesday from an apparent heart attack while jogging, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported. The paper reported that Timothy S. Briggs, 46, who had been an agent since 1997, suffered the heart attack while jogging with another agent…

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Atty. Gen. Holder Proposes Retroactive Breaks in Crack Cocaine Convictions

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr.  on Wednesday  revisited a controversial subject Congress remedied last year by changing the disproportionate sentences between powdered cocaine and crack cocaine. Lawmakers stopped short of making the law retroactive. Enter Holder. Holder appeared before the U.S. Sentencing Commission and urged that the law be…

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