Mexico Cartels Have Bullet Proof Vests Emblazoned With DEA and FBI

Not surprising, the cartels have access to things they shouldn’t. But this is truly scary. By Dane Schiller Houston Chronicle HOUSTON — Mexico’s Gulf Cartel may have 40 bullet-proof vests emblazoned with “FBI” and “DEA” to trick their drug-trafficking rivals, according to a new law enforcement advisory. Baseball caps and T-shirts with the agencies’ names…

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FBI Going Online to Catch Bank Robbers

It’s good to see  the Internet being used to crack crimes.  We’ve seen it used too often to commit crimes.   BY ADAM WALLWORTH ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE FBI agents are going online to catch bank robbers. In the past six months, four bank robberies have been solved with the assistance of, said Steven Burroughs, supervisory special agent…

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