Did Baseball Star Pitch the Truth? Grandy Jury Investigating Roger Clemens to See if He Lied to Congress

His integrity was questioned before. Now apparently the feds are questioning it again. Will this baseball legend pass the honesty test or become another Pete Rose? By HOWARD FENDRICH AP Sports Writer WASHINGTON — A federal grand jury is investigating whether Roger Clemens lied to Congress last year, two people briefed on the matter told…

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FBI Gives Anti-Defamation League the Director’s Award

NEW YORK — The FBI awarded the Anti-Defamation League the Director’s Community Leadership Award, which honors individuals and organizations for their efforts in combating crime, terrorism, drugs and violence in America, the ADL annnounced. The organization said “the award recognized Law Enforcement and Society (LEAS): Lessons of the Holocaust — an innovative ADL training program…

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Controversial 2001 Congressional Hearing of Clinton’s Pardon of the Infamous Marc Rich

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVGrgZoiD98 OTHER STORIES OF INTEREST Man Arrested at LAX Airport With 37 Guns Says He’s Law Abiding (AP) Feds and Other Experts Predict Bad Economy Could Fuel Hate Groups (Washington Post) Republicans May Press Eric Holder on His Clients in Private Practice and Potential Conflicts (NY Times) Gov. Blagojevich Impeachment Trial Expected to Begin Jan….

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Ex-FBI Dir. Louis Freeh Writes Glowing Letter to Judiciary Endorsing Eric Holder for Atty. Gen.

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON – Former FBI director Louis J. Freeh has written a glowing letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee endorsing nominee Eric H. Holder Jr. for Attorney General, saying he “displayed total integrity” as a high-ranking Justice Department official when President Clinton and other senior members were subjects of a grand jury…

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Report Says Inauguaration Attractive Target For Terrorists but Authorities Know of No Specific Threats

The internal intelligence assessment offers no surprises. We all know the inauguration or any gathering of that magnitude — or for that matter any big sporting event like the Super Bowl or the Olympics — is an attractive target for terrorists.   As NBC’s Chris Matthews would say: Tell me something I don’t know. By EILEEN…

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