FBI Agent Who Dated Actress is Charged With Illegally Accessing FBI Computer

UPDATED: Wedenesday 2 p.m. By Allan Lengel Ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — FBI agent Mark Rossini, whose name surfaced in New York gossip columns for dating actress Linda Fiorentino, has been charged with illegally accessing an FBI computer for personal use. Rossini, who resigned Friday,  was charged with  five misdemeanor counts in a criminal Information  filed Monday…

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FBI Report Says White Supremacists Infiltrating Military

The Southern Poverty Law Center is asking the Pentagon to crackdown on extremist recruits. A previous request went nowhere. By David Holthouse Intelligence Report Southern Poverty Law Center A new FBI report confirms that white supremacists are infiltrating the military for several reasons. According to the unclassified FBI Intelligence Assessment, “White Supremacist Recruitment of Military…

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