News Story

FBI: Agents Used Drones 10 Times in U.S. Airspace for Criminal Investigations, National Security
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The FBI has flown drones in U.S. airspace 10 times since 2006, the FBI told Sen. Rand Paul, The New York Times reports. The bureau admitted it uses drones for aerial surveillance in “very limited circumstances.” Drones were used eight times for criminal cases and twice for national security, according to…

Obama’s Choice for Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Denies Abusing His Influence
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com President Obama’s nomination for second in command at the Department of Homeland Security fended off allegations Thursday that he helped Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brother get a special visa for foreign investors, The Los Angeles Times reports. The nomination of Alejandro Mayorkas is important because he could become the temporary…

NSA Surveillance on Domestic Calls Narrowly Dodged a House Plan to End the Controversial Practice
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The U.S. House narrowly rejected a plan that would have limited the controversial collection of telephone records on domestic calls Wednesday after the extent of the surveillance was leaked last month, the USA Today reports. The 217-205 vote means the NSA can continue collecting domestic surveillance without as much as a warrant….

‘Whitey’ Bulger Henchman: Feds Allowed Mob Boss to Continue Breaking Law
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Corrupt FBI agent John Connolly urged the feds against prosecuting him and James “Whitey” Bulger so they could continue delivering information about rival gangs, a former henchman for the accused mob boss testified Wednesday, The Boston Globe reports. Stephen “The Rifleman” Flemmi testified that Connolly helped them avoid indictments at a…

Denver FBI Division Celebrates High Honors For It Forensic Laboratory
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The FBI’s Denver division received honors for its forensic laboratory, becoming internationally accredited, the Denver Post reports. Officials of the Rocky Mountain Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory celebrated Wednesday after getting accreditation from the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors. The laboratory opened in 2006 and allows full-service digital forensics, the Denver Post…

How Realistic is Breaking Bad? Show Creators Consult with Experts in Chemistry, Government
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Fans of Breaking Bad, a breathtaking show on AMC about a suburban meth dealer, have long praised it for its authenticity and seemingly strong sense of chemistry. Turns out, reports The Dallas Morning News, show leaders have been consulting with a chemist at the University of Oklahoma. The show also uses an…

Vincent Lisi Becomes New Agent in Charge of Boston FBI Office
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Vincent Lisi, who has served in numerous jobs as an FBI agent since 1989, has been named the new leader of the agency’s Boston office, the Associated Press reports. FBI Director Robert Mueller announced Wednesday that Lisi would replace Richard DesLauriers, who is retiring after more than 26 years with the FBI….
I never had a clue who I was
The third major milestone is the discovery of molecular gas and dust rotating around the massive star. This discovery extends the observation of protoplanetary disks to the high mass regime, where the dynamic is dominated by the mass of the disk rather than the mass of the central star. Even though it was estimated that…