Armin Hodi je uistinu bio u zaleu

Pomoni sudac urak signalizirao je zalee Hodia, glavni dijelitelj pravde Paja prihvatio takvu odluku svog pomonika. Armin Hodi je uistinu bio u zaleu, no lopta nije ni do do najboljeg modrog strijelca. Svakako zanimljiva odluka. Unsurprisingly, both Arrowsmith Young and her program polarise opinion. But thanks to rising interest in neuroplasticity, and the publication of…

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Appeals Court Refuses to Overturn 1984 Marijuana Conviction over Mobster Whitey Bulger’s Information

Steve Neavling A large-scale marijuana dealer who claims FBI agents lied in court to protect longtime informant and mobster James “Whitey” Bulger won’t receive a new trial, the Boston Globe reports. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the First District refused Monday to overturn the 1984 conviction of Michael F. Murray, saying the evidence…

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FBI Paid Informants $500,000, Ignored Crimes in Weak Racketeering Case, Defense Lawyer Argued

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.comĀ  The FBI spent more than $500,000 on informants and ignored their crimes to build a racketeering case that has “been on life support” for years, a veteran mob attorney said Monday, the Associated Press reports. During closing arguments for the trial involving La Cosa Nostra under reputed boss Joseph “Uncle Joe” Ligambi,…

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Feds Spend More Money on Immigrant Enforcement Than All Other Crimes Combined

Steve Neavling The federal government spends more money on immigrant enforcement than all other law enforcement agencies combined, the Huffington Post reports. The U.S. spent nearly $18 billion in the 2012 fiscal year on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Customs and Border Protection and US-Visit, an effort to help local authorities identify undocumented immigrants,…

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