Should FBI Dir. Mueller and Ex-A.G. John Ashcroft Take Responsibility for Some Questionable Anti-Terrorism Policies?

Have the U.S. anti-terrorism policies gone over the line? If so, who is responsible? The Supreme Court may bring some clarity to the issue. By Warren Richey The Christian Science Monitor WASHINGTON — The US Supreme Court this week takes up a case examining whether cabinet-level officials in the Bush White House can be held…

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Obama Expected to Reshape Federal Judiciary

No question the judiciary is about the feel a shift. The question is: What impact will it have on federal law enforcement? By Jerry Markon Washington Post Staff Writer WASHINGTON — The federal judiciary is on the verge of a major shift when President-elect Barack Obama’s nominees take control of several of the nation’s most…

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FBI Agent Mark Rossini — Romantically Linked to Actress– Pleads Guilty to Accessing FBI Computers To Help Pellicano Case

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON – FBI Agent Mark T. Rossini, who became fodder for the New York gossip columns when  he started dating actress Linda Fiorentino, pleaded guilty Monday in federal court in Washington to illegally accessing FBI computers to help rogue private eye Anthony Pellicano during his Los Angles trial on wiretapping and…

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Showdown in the Motown: Detroit Reporter Invokes the Fifth and Refuses to Disclose Sources

An angry ex-federal prosecutor wants to know who in the government leaked damaging information about him. And he wants a reporter to tell him who talked. The reporter is refusing. The drama continues. By Joe Swickard Detroit Free Press DETROIT — Detroit Free Press reporter David Ashenfelter declined under oath this afternoon to reveal confidential…

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U.S. Prosecutor in Blackwater Security Case Will Meet With Victims’ Families in Iraq

The prosecutor meeting with victims’ families sends a message that Iraqi lives matter. By KATHERINE ZOEPF and ATHEER KAKAN New York Times BAGHDAD –An American prosecutor working on the case against five Blackwater security guards indicted in connection with a 2007 shooting in Baghdad has arrived in Iraq and will be meeting with victims’ families…

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Controversial Office of Legal Counsel Will Undergo Heavy Scrutiny Under Obama Regime

By Mary Jacoby WASHINGTON — The famously leak-proof Barack Obama operation hasn’t said much about its plans for the Justice Department. But one thing’s clear: the controversial Office of Legal Counsel notorious for issuing what critics dubbed the “Torture Opinion” —  the sanctioning of extreme interrogation techniques  — is going to come under some…

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