Appeals Court Backs Controversial Warrantless Wiretaps

Here’s a ruling bound to stir more controversy. Will things change in the Obama administration? By Del Quentin Wilber and R. Jeffrey Smith Washington Post Staff Writers WASHINGTON — A special federal appeals court yesterday released a rare declassified opinion that backed the government’s authority to intercept international phone conversations and e-mails from U.S. soil…

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Oooops! Another Government Screw Up in Stevens Case: Prosecution Says it Misspoke and Asks Judge Not to Force Atty. Gen. To Sign Declaration Under Oath

The government now says it misspoke when it told the judge on Wednesday that an FBI agent in the Stevens case had been denied whistleblower status. The misstep on Wednesday set off the judge who ordered  Atty. Gen. Michael Mukasey to sign a declaration of oath on the matter. Now the prosecution says it was…

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U.S. Atty. Fitzgerald Refutes Defense Claim That He Should Be Taken off Gov. Blagojevich Case

One thing U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald is known for: not walking away from a battle. Here’s the latest salvo in the Gov. Blagojevich case. By MIKE ROBINSON Associated Press Writer CHICAGO — Federal prosecutors fired back Thursday at defense claims that U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald’s comments at a news conference were so strongly worded…

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