Investor’s Business Daily Editorial: Did FBI Ignore Evidence That A ‘Foreign Entity’ Hacked Clinton’s Emails?

By Investor’s Business Daily Editorial Email Scandal: Last week we learned that a “foreign entity” may have been secretly receiving Hillary Clinton’s emails while she was Secretary of State, including many that contained classified information. And that the FBI apparently ignored this information during its “investigation.” The reaction by the press to this bombshell? Crickets. At…

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FBI Director Wray on Putin’s Offer: No Thanks

By Allan Lengel Thanks but no thanks. That’s the message from FBI Director Christopher Wray, who says he’s not interested in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s offer to have American investigators go to Russia to observe interviews of suspects wanted by the U.S. “I never want to say never, but it’s certainly not high on…

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How Much of Netflix’s Show ‘Narcos’ Is Real? A Former DEA Agent Addresses That

By Allan Lengel Steve Murphy, a retired DEA agent who helped track down Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, talks about how realistic Netflix’s popular show ‘Narcos’ is. “One-third of the show is true,” Murphy said, according to Real Clear Life. “Those events happened and they are depicted correctly. The second third, those events happened,…

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Opinion Piece By Ex-Fed Prosecutor: GOP Committee Seemed Intent on Using Strzok to ‘Cast Doubt on the FBI and Mueller Investigation’

Joseph Moreno is a former federal national security prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice and a former staff member to the FBI 9/11 Review Commission. He is now a white collar litigation partner at Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft. By Joseph Moreno The Hill The House committees opted to haul (Peter) Strzok before them for multiple days…

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