News Story
Ex-ATF Agent Says Gun Tracing System is ‘Insane’
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com “The privacy rights of the gun owner have trumped my right not to get shot in the head,” David Chipman, senior policy advisor for the gun control group Giffords, tells station WTSP. “When you see the tracing center, and how difficult it is for patriots to do their job, that isn’t accidental,”…

In Manafort Case, Encrypted Messages Don’t Mean Much if People Involved in the Conversation Are Snitches
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com How did special counsel Robert Mueller’s people get Paul Manafort’s encrypted messages that suggested he was tampering with witnesses? In a court filing, Mueller writes that FBI investigators obtained messages that Manafort—who was indicted for money laundering, tax fraud, and other charges in October—sent to witnesses in his case in an attempt…

Fired Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Might Take the Fifth if Called Before Senate Judiciary
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe could remain mum if he’s called before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week. McCabe’s lawyer fired off a letter to the committee’s chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley, saying McCabe “will have no choice but to invoke his Fifth Amendment privilege” if called before the committee, reports…

Bar Patron Shot By Off-Duty, Dancing FBI Agent to Get Free Drinks for Life
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Well, if there’s an upside to being shot by an FBI agent in a bar, here it is. The Mile High Spirits in Denver, where a patron was shot in the leg by a dancing, off-duty FBI agent over the weekend, says the victim can “enjoy complimentary drinks forever” at the…
DEA Agent Fatally Shoots Suspect in Drug Probe in Chicago
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com A DEA agent fatally shot a suspect in a drug probe on Chicago’s west side on Saturday morning, WLS TV reports. The DEA said it was conducting surveillance on, “an individual and a location known as a multiple-kilogram cocaine distribution point,” the station reports. A marked police car attempted to conduct…

Digging A Deeper Hole: Mueller Accuses Paul Manafort of Witness Tampering
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manfort is getting himself in more trouble. Federal prosecutors on the Robert S. Mueller III team are accusing him of witness tampering and want the judge to consider revoking or revising his release, the Washington Post reports. Prosecutors accuse Manafort and a longtime associate they linked…

Trump Won’t Give Up on Hammering Jeff Sessions
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com President Donald Trump can’t get over the fact Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself in the Russia investigation. He’s constantly tweeting about it and Tuesday was no different. The Russian Witch Hunt Hoax continues, all because Jeff Sessions didn’t tell me he was going to recuse himself…I would have quickly picked…

Retired FBI Agent on Agent’s Gun Firing on Dance Floor: ‘Shocked At The Poor Judgment’
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Over the weekend, an off-duty FBI agent in Denver made headlines when his gun slipped out of his pants on the dance floor and he accidentally fired it while trying to grab it. A patron was shot and wounded in the leg. James A. Gagliano, a CNN law enforcement analyst and…