News Story

Border Patrol Agent Accused of Pressuring Teenage Girls for Nude Photos
A Border Patrol agent is accused off posing as a boy online to pressure girls for nude photos and to share sexually explicit messages.

Loaded Guns, Inert Grenades, Throw Star Among Top Confiscated Items at Airports in 2017
Festively wrapped narcotics, loaded guns, inert grenades and “Satan’s” pizza cutter are among the top 10 items confiscated at U.S. airport in 2017.

Bloomberg: Mueller Comes Under Unfair, Partisan Attacks over Russia-Trump Probe
Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is coming under growing attack from those most blinded by partisanship and — in the case of the White House — self-interest. Their motivations do not automatically render them wrong. A dispassionate review of the facts, however, does.

Trump’s Attorneys Hope to Prevent Mueller from Interviewing the President
President Trump’s attorneys are seeking potential alternatives to avoid a sit-down interview with Special Counsel Robert Mueller as part of the investigation into Trump’s campaign and Russian election meddling.

FBI Revives Clinton Foundation Probe Amid Politically Charged Claims
The FBI has revived a dormant investigation into the Clinton Foundation following politically charged accusations of corruption.

FBI: Terrorism Suspect Who Stopped Train Has Ties to White Supremacists
An armed Missouri man who stopped a cross-country Amtrak train in southwest Nebraska has ties to white supremacists and advocated “killing black people,” new court documents show.

Book: High-Level Trump Officials Believe He Won’t Survive First Term
Many of President Trump’s high-level staff members believe the special counsel’s Russia investigation will lead to his resignation or impeachment before his first term is over, according to the new explosive book on the White House and presidential campaign.

Stejskal: Unabomber Agrees With Me on the Inaccuracy of the Discovery Channel Series
Greg Stejskal served as an FBI agent for 31 years and retired as resident agent in charge of the Ann Arbor office. By Greg Stejskal ticklethewire.com A few months ago, I wrote a critique of the Discovery Channel series, “Manhunt: Unabomber.” My concern shared by a number of agents that were on the Unabom Task…