News Story

Putin Defends Trump, Dismisses Claims of Collusion As Propaganda
Russian President Vladimir Putin praised President Trump, discounting allegations of links between the White House and Kremlin as “some sort of spy-mania.”

ATF Under Fire for Controversial Stings Primarily Targeting African Americans
ATF stings have come under fire because they’re predominately targeting African Americans and prompting allegations of racial profiling and entrapment.

Putin Insists FBI Is Drugging Former Head of Russia’s Anti-Doping Lab
Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed – with no evidence – that the FBI is drugging the former head of Russia’s anti-doping lab so he’ll blow the whistle on a massive state-run doping program.

Trump’s Deputy AG: No Good Reason to Fire Mueller
In a powerful rebuke to Donald Trump and Republicans, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified Wednesday that he saw no good reason to fire special counsel Robert Mueller from his investigation of the president’s campaign and Russia.

Trump’s Lawyers Call for Second Special Counsel to Probe DOJ, FBI Officials
President Trump’s lawyers are calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a second special counsel to investigate possible conflicts of interest and other issues in the Justice Department and on the special counsel team probing the Trump campaign.

Dallas Morning News: Why We Can’t Trust the FBI to Protect Us from Criminals
Will the nation have to suffer through another criminal tragedy before agencies get on the ball and start reporting information to the FBI in a timely manner?

CBP Hires Private Company to Help Hire 5,000 Border Patrol Agents
Customs and Border Protection is paying a private company $297 million to help hire 5,000 new Border Patrol agents.