News Story

FBI Director Warns Feds to Resist Pressure to Act Unethically
The FBI’s new director warned agents and others in federal government to resist pressure to act unethically.

FBI Informant in Prison for 4 Murders Faces New Charges
A former FBI informant already sentenced to prison for four murders is accused of plotting to kill from behind bars and escape from the Sterling Correctional Facility.

Another Man Dressed at Pikachu Jumps Over White House Fence
A Kentucky man dressed as a Pokemon character wanted to become famous so he jumped the White House fence on Tuesday.

Supreme Court Will Hear Data Privacy Issue Between DOJ and Microsoft
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The Justice Department continues to do battle over privacy. Kate Conger of GIZMODO writes: The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments in a critical case over data privacy, the outcome of which will likely determine how easily law enforcement can gain access to information stored in tech companies’ overseas data…

Joe Rannazzisi, the Former DEA Official and Whistleblower Who Fought the Abusive Drug Firms
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Joe Rannazzisi isn’t a household name, but he’s certainly getting well known, particularly after his appearance on Sunday on CBS’ s “60 Minutes,” where he was referred to as a whistleblower who tried cracking down on drug companies. Scott Highham and Lenny Bernstein of the Washington Post write: Joe Rannazzisi is…

President Suggest Dems, FBI or Kremlin May Have Bank Rolled Salacious Dossier
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The salacious dossier that paints President Donald Trump in a less than favorable light continues to haunt the commander-in-chief, who has done everything to try and discredit it. The latest: On Thursday Trump suggested the Democratic Party, the FBI or the Kremlin could have bankrolled the report, that has yet to…

FBI’s Robert Lasky Heading to Miami; Paul Delacourt Going to LA
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Robert F. Lasky has been named head of the FBI’s Miami Division, replacing George Piro, who is going to headquarters. He most recently served as the special agent in charge of the Mobile Division. Lasky entered on duty with the FBI in 1998, and was first assigned to the San Francisco…

FBI’s George Piro, Chief Interrogator of Saddam Hussein, Named AD of International Operations
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com George Piro, the Beirut-born Assyrian-American FBI agent who was the team leaders and lead interrogator of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, has been named assistant director of the International Operations Division at FBI headquarters. His most recent assignment was head of the Miami field office. Piro joined the FBI in 1999, and was first…