Justice Department Vows to Crackdown on Leakers

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Some critics have said President Donald Trump has often been more obsessed with leaks than the substance involving possible improprieties. Now, the  the Justice Department is responding, vowing to aggressively prosecute government officials who leak classified information, the Daily Beast reports.   “As the Attorney General has said, the Department of…

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Trump Transition Team Knew Flynn Was Under Investigation Before Trump Appointed Him National Security Advisor

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Here’s a pretty good reason why President Donald Trump should have known better than to appoint Michael T. Flynn national security adviser under the circumstances. The New York Times reports that Flynn told President Trump’s transition team weeks before the inauguration that he was under federal investigation for secretly working as…

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Let The Seriousness Begin: The Stoic Ex-FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III Appointed Special Counsel in Russian Mess

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Ex-FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III, the stoic leader of the bureau from 2001 to 2013, has been appointed special counsel to investigate whether the Russians influenced the 2016 campaign and the administration of President Donald Trump. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced the appointment on Wednesday, saying in a statement:…

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Judicial Watch Suing to Get Info on Relationship Between FBI and Ex-British Spy Who Compiled Trump Dossier

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group, wants information about the relationship between the FBI and former British spy Christopher Steele, who helped compiled a dossier alleging that Trump advisers colluded with the Russian government and that Trump met up with Russian prostitutes, according to the Daily Caller. A lawsuit seeks all…

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Two High-Profile Prospects for FBI Director Express Disinterest

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Two high-profile prospects for the FBI director job have signaled they don’t want it, reports Reuters. Advisers to Judge Merrick Garland and Sen. John Cornyn said they discouraged them from seeking the post, cautioning that they would be leaving important, secure jobs for one fraught with politics and controversy, reports Reuters. Nominating…

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