News Story

Border Patrol Agent Vega Jr.’s Murder Reclassified as Line of Duty Death
Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega Jr., who was killed while fishing with family in Santa Monica in August 2014, died in the line of duty, a Border Patrol committee has determined.

Bombing Suspect Was Investigated by FBI in 2014 After Father Expressed Concerns
Ahmad Khan Rahami, the 28-year-old man accused of placing bombs in New York City and New Jersey over the weekend, was the subject of an FBI investigation more than two years ago.

FBI Takes Over Investigation of Minnesota Mall Stabbing
The FBI has taken over the investigation of the Minnesota mall stabbing attacks over the weekend.

Border Patrol’s San Diego Sector Gets New Deputy Chief Patrol Agent
The Border Patrol’s San Diego Sector has a new deputy chief patrol agent.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Demonizing American Muslims Accomplishes Nothing
The bombs planted in New York and New Jersey on Sunday appear to have been the work of a radicalized Muslim man whose behavior and international travel followed familiar patterns.

Houston Board Repairman Charged with Alleged Plot to Bomb Apartment Building
A Houston boat repairman accused of plotting to bomb an apartment building was charged in federal court Monday.

FBI Arrests Accused Gangster Disciples Leader in Louisiana
An alleged leader of the Gangster Disciples was by the FBI and other law enforcement Sunday and is expected to be extradited to Atlanta to be charged with federal racketeering charges.

FBI: ‘No Indication’ of Terror Cell in New York, New Jersey Bombings
Ahmad Kham Rahami, the 28-year-old arrested in connection with the weekend bombings in New York City and New Jersey, does not appear to belong to a terror cell, authorities said.