CBP’s West Texas Twitter Account under Fire for Offensive Retweets

Photo: Shutterstock

By Steve Neavling

CBP deactivated its Twitter account for the West Texas region following retweets criticizing President Biden and the media. 

The content included retweets from Stephen Miller, the architect of former President Trump’s hard-line immigration policies. 

CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus said the content was removed, and the Office of Professional Responsibility is investigating. 

“Totally unacceptable and disappointing that any CBP Twitter account was used to R/T offensive, unauthorized content,” Magnus tweeted. “This must not happen again.”

The content was revealed by Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, policy director of the American Immigration Council, who tweeted screenshots of the offensive remarks.

In one of the retweets, Miller wrote, “Violent criminals lay waste to our communities undisturbed while the immense power of the state is arrayed against those whose only crime is dissent.”

“The law has been turned from a shield to protect the innocent into a sword to conquer them,” Miller wrote. 

On Sunday, Miller slammed CBP for deactivating the account. 

“Joe Biden’s soulless open border crusade is killing thousands of innocents,” Miller tweeted. “Death and destruction everywhere. But instead of going after the murderous cartels, they are going after agents for RTs of pro-border messages. The Biden Administration hates the law and law enforcement.”

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