Chances of Criminal Charges Against Congressman Matt Gaetz Appear Unlikely — At Least For now

By Allan Lengel

The Justice Department probe into allegations that Rep. Matt Gaetz sex-trafficked a 17-year-old girl is looking less and less promising.

U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Florida.

That’s according to seven attorneys who represent witnesses, people who have been subpoenaed or have spoken to investigators, NBC reports.

The network reports that the attorneys briefed on aspects of the case say federal investigators are concerned about the credibility of two key witnesses or a lack of direct evidence implicating Gaetz. The Congressman has denied wrongdoing.

A recent Washington Post article cited concerns about the case, noting that career prosecutors internally recommended that Gaetz not be indicted.

Gaetz, an attorney, has represented Florida in Congress since 2017.

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