Chicago FBI Task Force to Feature Bank Robbers on Internet

On one hand you have to applaud the FBI in Chicago for doing this. On the other hand, you really have to ask: What took so long? For years, now federal and local law enforcement have passed up on using the Internet to help solve crimes. All the bureaus around the country have to do something like this now, rather than later.
Associated Press Legal Affairs Writer

fbi photo
fbi photo

CHICAGO — Bank robbers love being obscure. The last thing they want is to find themselves stars of the Internet.

Chicago’s FBI-led violent crimes task force, however, is launching a Web site designed to give this city’s bank robbers the prominence lawmen say they deserve.

The site will feature photos taken by bank video cameras and other pictures of robbers if the FBI can get them, special agent in charge Robert Grant said Wednesday.

Getting the faces of robbers before the public is likely to produce tips for agents investigating holdups and alert bank workers to be watchful, Grant said.

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