Some how you figured there might to be more suspicious activity involving ex-Gov. Blagojevich that went beyond his thick indictment. You also figure U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald plans to bury the ex-gov one way or another.
New York Times
CHICAGO – Federal prosecutors are trying to determine if former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich and his allies used political muscle to influence student admissions at three state universities.
United States Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald issued subpoenas this week seeking admissions office records from the University of Illinois, Northern Illinois University and Southern Illinois University. The request was related to Mr. Blagojevich and three of his co-defendants on criminal corruption charges, William Cellini, Christopher Kelly and Alonzo Monk.
The investigation also seeks records related to Antoin Rezko, a Chicago businessman and political operative, who last June was convicted of fraud and bribery.
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