Never one to be shy, the mayor blasted the feds out of frustration for what he sees in his city. The big question is whether he has a legit gripe or just needs to blow off some steam.
By Dan Mihalopoulos
Chicago Tribune
CHICAGO — In a trademark rambling soliloquy, Mayor Richard Daley on Tuesday accused federal authorities of often overlooking blatant drug dealing and gun trafficking.
At the same time, Daley said, federal law enforcement is overzealous in chasing down star athletes such as Barry Bonds and Michael Vick and local officials who take small bribes.
“How can [drug kingpins] accumulate money every week, every month, have three of four homes, drive the best cars, have the best nail shops, and a lot of other things, the best girls, all the jewelry and nobody says anything?” said Daley, his voice at times rising to a high-pitched squeal.
“But if someone takes $100, it could be a Chicago policeman or anybody else, the feds are right there knocking on your door,” he added.
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