Homeland Security: China Downplayed Severity of Coronavirus While Hoarding Medical Supplies

SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of the coronavirus, via Wikipedia.

By Steve Neavling


The Chinese government likely “concealed the severity” of the coronavirus outbreak in early January so it could hoard medical supplies needed to fight the contagion, according to an intelligence report from Homeland Security.

Meanwhile, China dramatically increased imports and decreased exports of medical supplies before the World Health Organization knew how serious the disease was, according to the four-page report obtained by the Associated Press

“We further assess the Chinese Government attempted to hide its actions by denying there were export restrictions and obfuscating and delaying provision of its trade data,” the report states.

China first alerted WHO about an unknown, pneumonia-like disease on Dec. 31, 2019, and continued to provide some updates about the mysterious outbreak throughout January 2020.

The Trump administration recently ramped up rhetoric about China not being forthcoming about the severity of the virus.

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