CIA Director: Missing 9/11 Report Pages Contain ‘Inaccurate’ Information

CIA Director John Brennan
CIA Director John Brennan

By Steve Neavling

CIA Director John Brennan said Sunday it would be a mistake to release 28 classified pages from the 9/11 Commission report because they contain unveiled, inaccurate information.

“This chapter was kept out because of concerns about sensitive methods, investigative actions, and the investigation of 9/11 was still underway in 2002,” Brennan said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Releasing the information also would help unfairly characterize Saudi Arabia as being involved in the terror attacks, Brennan said.

“I think there’s a combination of things that are accurate and inaccurate [in the report],” Brennan said. “I think the 9/11 Commission took that joint inquiry and those 28 pages or so and followed through on the investigation and then came out with a very clear judgment that there was no evidence that … Saudi government as an institution or Saudi officials or individuals had provided financial support to al Qaeda.”

The 28 pages were removed from the report in 2003 because of national security concerns raised by the George W. Bush administration.

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One thought on “CIA Director: Missing 9/11 Report Pages Contain ‘Inaccurate’ Information

  1. “sources and methods” is code word for “circle the wagons”. It’s impossible for even congressmen to break through this vague all-encompassing excuse.

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