Cigar-Chomping-Mob Fighting Detroit Fed Prosecutor Keith Corbett Calling it Quits

He may not be one of kind, but he’s the last of a kind. Cigar chomping, Notre Dame fan, Corbett was a fixture in Detroit in the fight against the mob.

By David Ashenfelter
Detroit Free Press
DETROIT — The federal prosecutor who helped break the Detroit Mafia is calling it quits.
Keith Corbett, 59, the cigar-chomping assistant U.S. Attorney who ran the office’s Organized Crime Strike Force, said he plans to retire on Jan. 3 because of shifting priorities in the Justice Department and because, well, he’s worn out.
“I don’t want to be one of those old guys sitting around talking about the good old days and telling people how we used to do it,” Corbett told the Free Press. He said he hasn’t decided what he’ll do next.
Coworkers — as well as criminal lawyers who’ve matched wits with Corbett — said they’ll be sorry to see him go.
“He’s as good on his feet as any lawyer who ever walked into a courtroom,” said Detroit criminal lawyer Robert Morgan, a former federal prosecutor.
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