Leonardo DiCaprio and director Clinton Eastwood for J. Edgar seem to be very circumspect when discussing FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s sexuality and their film on Hoover that is set to be released in November.
The film is called “J. Edgar.”
USA Today reports that in an interview in GQ magazine with Mark Harris, Eastwood says:
“I’d heard all the various controversies and gossip—that he wore dresses at parties. Everybody was saying, maybe he’s gay because he’d never gotten married. But that’s the way they did it back in the ’40s. If a guy didn’t get married, they always thought, Oh, there’s something wrong with him.”
Harris then asked: “But didn’t he have something approaching a long-term marriage with Clyde Tolson, associate director of the FBI (played by Armie Hammer)?’
“Well, they were inseparable pals,” says Eastwood. “Now, whether he was gay or not is gonna be for the audience to interpret. It could have been just a great love story between two guys. Or it could have been a great love story that was also a sexual story.”
DiCaprio explains, “What we’re saying is that he definitely had a relationship with Tolson that lasted for nearly fifty years. Neither of them married. They lived close to one another. They worked together every day. They vacationed together. And there was rumored to be more. There are definite insinuations of—well, I’m not going to get into where it goes, but…”
Interrupts Eastwood: “It’s not a movie about two gay guys. It’s a movie about how this guy manipulated everybody around him and managed to stay on through nine presidents. I mean, I don’t give a crap if he was gay or not.”
Adds Leo: “If I were a betting man, I actually don’t know what I would bet [regarding his sexuality].”
I find it interesting that Hollywood has no proof of Hoover being a homosexual, a story that was sparked by a discredited author, but yet it tickled the media’s fancy and now they can’t get over it and every chance they get they herald this unfounded suspicion. If you are Hoover his sexual preference is implied to be evil. If the media were to set this out in plain speak, it would be bombarded by every gay, no make that homosexual group. Gay is a word that has been effectively removed from “normal” peoples lexicon.
The media is so loathe to give Hoover any credit for the magnificent organization he built and an agency that is held up to reverence by every country in the world (including current and former communist countries). Note that the FBI has even built an FBI Academy in some of these countries and whenever a country does not know how to deal with certain criminal activities, they implore the FBI’s help.
Because of the “left” leaning media in this country, they hold Hoover up to contempt because he did what he had to do at the time to keep this country safe and free from harm, under acceptable and lawful rules. I realize that there is a heavy emphasis on accenting what today is considered awful and one of Hoover’s detractors and there many, was a Washington columnist named Jack Anderson who accused Hoover of every evil on the face of the earth. Yet, Mr. Anderson and his tactics have been severely criticized lately. Does this get the same publicity or negative distortion as it gives J.Edgar Hoover?
Our media has become so cynical and corrupting that they have molded history to their leanings and polluted the minds of the young and of the too lame (of which most Americans are) to search out the the truth for themselves. In stead they continue to believe the lie that keeps on being repeated. With time this lie has become truth.
Why doesn’t the public revere the greatest law enforcement figure in the history of the world. Instead they sanctify some very real bad guys.
I am a lover of history but history derived from a film or biased reporters, no, make that media distorters, is not history but fanciful story telling.