By Allan Lengel
The hearing had the feel of an underboss for the mob flipping on the boss, with some of the interrogators having little trust in what he said.
Nonetheless, freshly disbarred attorney Michael Cohen, a convicted liar and cheat, took to Capitol Hill on Wednesday and did a major dump on his former boss, President Donald Trump, calling him a con man and a racist, and suggesting he had broken the law. He also indicated that he was assisting the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York in a criminal probe into the president.
The Republican members couldn’t find enough ways to call him a liar who is incapable of telling the truth. The Democrats insisted the Republicans were afraid of him telling the truth.
Meanwhile, in Vietnam, President Trump attacked the testimony.
“It was pretty shameful, I think,” Trump said, according to USA Today. He went on to call it a fake hearing, but was pleased that Cohen did not suggest there was collusion with Russia.
He didn’t lie about one thing: He said no collusion with the Russian hoax,” Trump said.
“I was actually impressed he didn’t say I think there was collusion for this reason or that,” Trump said. “… I was a little impressed by that frankly.”