Colo. Man Charged With Supporting Overseas Terrorist Group

By Allan Lengel

The FBI arrested a Colorado man over the weekend at Chicago O’Hare Airport on charges of providing and attempting to provide support to a Pakistani-based terrorism group.

Jamshid Muhtorov, aka Abumumin Turkistony, aka Abu Mumin, 35, of Aurora, Colorado, who is a refugee of Uzbekistant.

Authorities charged that Muhtorov indicated that he planned to travel overseas and fight on behalf of the Islamic Jihad Union (IJU), a designated foreign terrorist organization, based in Pakistan.

Authorities said the IJU, “adheres to an anti-western ideology, opposes secular rule in Uzbekistan and seeks to replace the current regime with a government based on Islamic law. In addition to conducting suicide attacks in Uzbekistan, the IJU has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks against coalition forces in Afghanistan.”

Authorities alleged that Muhtorov had sworn allegiance to the IJU, and that he was ready for any task, even with the risk of dying.

Federal authorities pointed out that the activities of Muhtorov “highlight the continued interest of extremists residing in the United States to join and support overseas terrorists.”


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