Column: Shouldn’t We Do More to Avoid Mass Deaths By Crazed Gunmen?

Allan Lengel
By Allan Lengel
Deadline Detroit

During my visits to Israel, the idea of security was never far off. At the train station, at the bus stop, I went through a metal detector. An armed guard checked through packages and asked if I was carrying a gun.

After Sept. 11, 2001, I thought the U.S. would have second thoughts about security in public places, particularly with the threat of terrorism looming here.

I figured maybe places like malls or movie theaters might consider screening customers.

But no. That hasn’t happened. Americans have a way of conveniently forgetting or deferring such concerns until the next tragedy.

All around the country, we’re seeing all too often crazed gunmen — homegrown terrorists if you will — open fire on innocent citizens. Each incident is a reminder that we probably aren’t doing enough.

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