I remember years ago sitting at a banquet table at a retirement party for a U.S. Marshal in Detroit when the head of U.S. Customs in Detroit started talking about his school-aged son.
With some amusement, and a perhaps a drop of disappointment, he recounted how his son told people his dad worked for the FBI. Ouch.
I’m reminded of that story after looking on the FBI website and finding the “FBI Kids Page.”
Of all the federal law enforcement agencies, the FBI, hands down, has far outpaced others when it comes to public relations and promoting its image.
This is just another example of its efforts.
The feature is designed to educate children and teens and their parents about the workings of the agency.
“Follow a case from start to finish through the FBI Laboratory on our Kids Page,” the FBI website says.
“The page is designed for children and their parents to learn more about the FBI through age-appropriate games, tips, stories, and interactives. We also introduce you to our working dogs and show how FBI special agents and analysts investigate cases.”
I point this out, because I think some federal law enforcement agencies could do a much better job of dealing with the media and promoting their image.
Just a thought.