Column: Grassley and Issa — Time to Show Your Cojones and Go After the NRA

Allan Lengel
By Allan Lengel

Hats off to Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Darrell Issa for their keen interest in the failed ATF Operation Fast and Furious.

They have a right to be concerned about the program that let guns walk into Mexico. It’s great that they care that the feds let guns get into the hands of the criminals and cartel members.

Now, it’s time for them to really show that they have some backbone, some cojones, some balls.

Time to stand up to the National Rifle Association, which has done more than any failed ATF operation to help put guns into the hands of criminals and Mexican drug cartels. The cartels use the border states as supermarkets for weapons, thanks for lax laws that allow people to walk into gun stores and walk out with dozens of guns at a time.

Yes, Grassley and Issa. Time to channel some of that outrage, some that first-rate moral indignation and rip into the NRA.

Time to push back and enact tougher gun legislation so more guns don’t walk into Mexico.

That’s right, guns still walk into Mexico. It didn’t suddenly end when you two started throwing a hissy fit about Fast and Furious.

Don’t stop with Fast and Furious, guys.

Time to go after the NRA and show us how much you really care about guns getting into the hands of criminals and the drug cartels.


One thought on “Column: Grassley and Issa — Time to Show Your Cojones and Go After the NRA

  1. Thank you. Finally some straight talk on this very important issue. Congress, we can see through the hypocrisy and it is getting us nowhere. Please, we want YOU (not special interest) to run our government just like we elected you to do and just like you promised with your oath of office! With the poor work ethic displayed by some of our elected leaders, it is clear if they were regular workers, they be dismissed from the very federal agencies they oversee.

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