Column: Note to Joe Biden — Give Secret Service Back the $13,000

Allan Lengel
By Allan Lengel

What better way to show gratitude to the folks who protect your life than to charge them so they can protect your life?

Makes sense?  No!

I don’t want to make a big deal out of this. After all,  when you take into account the real costs of providing executive protection, this is small potatoes.

Nonetheless, I have a message to Vice President Joe Biden: Give the Secret Service back  the $13,000 it paid you. The Regular Joe, the Average Joe, the guy who rides the train and talks about Scranton, Pa., the Joe we thought we knew, would never take that money. He would get it.

In case you missed it, The Associated Press reported that the U.S. Secret Service, which protects Biden, is paying Biden $2,200 a month to rent a cottage next to his suburban Wilimington, Del., home.

Records show Biden has collected more than $13,000 since April on the cottage, and is eligible to collect up to $66,000 before the contract expires in 2013.

It’s not a lot of money. But heck, Joe, the deficit sucks and it sure would be nice if you’d make a symbolic gesture and give back the money.

Show us there’s still a little decency and common sense left in Washington.

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