The 2nd Anniversary of

Allan Lengel
Allan Lengel
By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON —  Sept. 19th marked the second anniversary of the website

It’s been one interesting ride, starting up a new enterprise, trying to cover a subject I’ve had a fascination with since I started journalism.

In the past two years, we’ve seen the good, the bad and very ugly. We saw the changing of the guard at the Justice Department.  A new Attorney General.  New U.S. Attorneys.  We saw the public corruption conviction of ex-Rep. William Jefferson.  We witnessed the FBI, thankfully, unearth some scary terrorist plots.

We had the “Times Square Bomber”. We had the “Underwear bomber”. And financial terrorist Bernie Madoff.

We saw John Gotti Jr. walk free after four deadlocked trials. We saw the somewhat shocking outcome of the Rod Blagojevich case.  We saw a cheating scandal involving tests at the FBI. And we just saw some FBI agents busted for lying about taking steroids.

I suspect the next year will be just as exciting. I want to thank everyone for the reading the site and the many around the country who have provided feedback on the content.

I invite anyone who has any suggestions to write me and let me know what you like or don’t like. And I always invite anyone to comment on stories, particularly if you think the coverage has  been unfair.

Thanks again for taking time out to read the And I look forward to another fascinating year.

All the Best,

Allan Lengel

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