With fears growing over the hazards of K2 and Spice — forms of incense that young people in recent years have been smoking like weed to get high –Metro Detroit has opened up a new front in the battle against illicit drugs: The War on Potpurri.
While I don’t mind seeing politicians, businessmen and media types banding together to fight an obvious health hazard, my impolite ass still has to ask: Just how much of this outrage over K2 would we see if most of those smoking it, getting sick from it and dying because of it were black teens and young adults in the city?
Sure, I can appreciate Detroit Mayor Dave Bing’s recent anti-potpurri posturing, where he essentially told businesses selling K2 to hit 8 Mile Road as he announced a local ban on synthetic pot. Nothing wrong with taking up the battle as a region. But Bing needs to consistently show just as much backbone and defiance when addressing the more pressing hazards facing the children in the city he’s supposed to be in charge of.
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