Greg Stejskal

Greg Stejskal served as an FBI agent for 31 years and retired as resident agent in charge of the Ann Arbor office.

Ms. Smith Goes to Washington, testifying truth to power

Ms. Smith Goes to Washington, testifying truth to power

The writer, an FBI agent for 31 years, retired as resident agent in charge of the Ann Arbor office in 2006. He is the author of “FBI Case Files Michigan: Tales of a G-Man.” By Greg Stejskal During my FBI career, I was involved in the investigation and prosecution of many criminal conspiracies. It was…
The Argument for Keeping J. Edgar Hoover’s Name on FBI HQ

The Argument for Keeping J. Edgar Hoover’s Name on FBI HQ

By Greg Stejskal The so called “cancel culture” movement has championed efforts to remove statues and the names of certain historical figures from public areas and buildings. I have never understood why military bases and schools are named for Confederate generals who took up arms against the United States to maintain the institution of slavery….

The Case For Prosecutors Going After Trump

By Greg Stejskal Last Saturday Former President Donald Trump was acquitted on one article of impeachment charging him with inciting an insurrection. Many aspects of the impeachment process are foreign to me, but during my career as an FBI agent, I was mostly involved with investigating and prosecuting federal crimes. I wondered if the incitement of…
Trump and the Anatomy of a Con

Trump and the Anatomy of a Con

The writer, an FBI agent for 31 years, retired as resident agent in charge of the Ann Arbor office in 2006. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska Lincoln Law School. By Greg Stejeskal During my time in the FBI, I investigated several frauds involving cons or grifts of varying sophistication. One relatively…

This November Keep in Mind Who Trump Has Chosen to Punish and Reward

The writer, an FBI agent for 31 years, retired as resident agent in charge of the Ann Arbor office in 2006. By Greg Stejskal Last week two peoples’ lives changed dramatically. One avoided jail. The other’s military career ended prematurely. One’s a hero, the other isn’t. On Friday evening, the White House announced that…
The Unabomber Story in His Own Words

The Unabomber Story in His Own Words

By Greg Stejskal A new documentary about the Unabomber/Ted Kaczynski will begin airing on Netflix Saturday (Feb. 22). “The Unabomber – In His Own Words” is so titled because the documentary liberally uses parts of the only interview Kaczynski has ever given since his arrest and conviction in 1996. The documentary not only looks at Kaczynski’s 17 years…