Comey: Prosecuting Trump for Inciting Riot Will Give Him Attention He Craves

Former FBI James Comey in previous testimony, via FBI.

By Steve Neavling

Former FBI Director James Comey said federal prosecutors shouldn’t charge President Trump for his role in inciting the Capitol riot because it would give him the attention he craves. 

“The country would be better off if we did not give him the platform that a prosecution would for the next three years,” Comey told the British broadcaster Sky News.

“Instead, turn off the camera lights,” said Comey, whom Trump fired as FBI director in 2017 while he was leading an investigation into possible collusion with Russia by Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

“I’d like to see some of the lights go out and he can stand on the front lawn at Mar-a-Lago and shout at cars in his bathrobe and none of us will hear it,” he said.

Trump fired Comey as FBI director in 2017, leading to the appointment of Robert Muller as special counsel overseeing the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. 

Comey, 60, said he supports the Senate convicting Trump as part of the House’s impeachment. But, Comey said, a prosecution would further divide the country. 

“The country needs to find a way to heal itself, and the new president needs the opportunity to lead and heal us — both literally and spiritually,” Comey said. “And that will be much, much harder if the Donald Trump show is on our television screens every single day in the nation’s capita

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