Comey Regrets Not Standing Up More to Trump

Former FBI James Comey in previous testimony, via FBI.

By Steve Neavling

FBI Director James Comey said he should have stood up more to former President Trump. 

In an interview with British program, Channel 4 News, Comey said he did “think about some of my encounters with President Trump.”

“For example, when he demanded loyalty and we ended up on this odd compromise where he demanded ‘honest loyalty.’ I should have stood up and said ‘no’ you are not going to get any kind of loyalty from the FBI director, but instead I compromised to avoid a conflict with him,” Comey said. 

“I don’t want to be too tough on myself because I stood up well enough to get fired, but there are things like that I would do differently.” 

When asked if he still believes President Biden should pardon Trump so the country can move forward, Comey also said “it is a close question.”

“On balance, it would be better for the United States if the Department of Justice didn’t prosecute him for his obstructions of justice and his extortions and his other crimes committed while he was president,” he said. “Whether President Biden pardons him is another question.”

Comey added, “I think it’s important that we as a country not give him center stage in our nation’s capital for the next three years which a prosecution would.”

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