Congressman Wants New FBI Director to Reveal Information about Boston Marathon Bombing Investigation

Rep. Keating/gov photo
Steve Neavling

With a new FBI director in place, at least one influential Congressman is pressing for more answers in the Boston Marathon bombings, the Boston Globe reports.

Rep. William Keating, D-Massachusetts, wants to know about blunders in the investigation, including the failure to properly follow up Russia’s warning about one of the bombers, Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

“It has been three and a half months since the terror attack in Boston, and the FBI has yet to answer the pressing questions that would help law enforcement and legislators better prepare against threats in the future,” Keating wrote.

Keating, a former district attorney, dismissed FBI concerns that the disclosures would compromise the case against the alleged bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

“As a former District Attorney, I understand the sensitivities surrounding an ongoing investigation; however, none of the questions I have would compromise the integrity of the investigation into the bombings,” Keating said. “I’m not looking to place blame. What I am looking to do is identify our security shortcomings and change them. Without forthright information from the FBI, we are prevented from taking the critical steps needed to protect the American public.”

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